emaho – the Story of Arya Tara

emaho’ is a special word. It’s an exclamation used in ancient Tibetan Buddhist scriptures to describe the ‘wondrous, amazing moment of joy when the mind awakens’. I truly believe that every human being in the world has the innate longing for this feeling of ‘emaho’. It can manifest in various ways. Personally, I find this moment whenever I connect with the most exalted and marvelous female Buddhist goddess Arya Tara. This is why I felt this album should be called ‘emaho – the Story of Arya Tara’.

The music of ‘emaho’ will not only give you comfort and positive energy but will also encourage you to uncover your inner beauty, strength and confidence.

May the power of Arya Tara reach many hearts! emaho!
Yours Dechen

Enjoy some of the magic moments when recording ‘emaho’
at VANDYKMUSIC Production Loft in Rüti, Switzerland.



This is Tara

I feel very happy to introduce you to a worldly princess that reached Buddhahood many aeons ago and who does not only stand for female empowerment but also the active embodiment of compassion for all beings.

She has a remarkable story that needs to be told more than ever to encourage people to believe in their inner strength and beauty.

Please enjoy this short introduction to this exalted beautiful Goddess Arya Tara.

Read more About Tara!


The music for this album is not only intended to enchant Buddhist practitioners, but also to appeal to a wider audience who may never have heard of a Tibetan mantra before....

I would like to thank Helge van Dyk and all the musicians of the JEWEL Ensemble and the guest musicians who helped us to accomplish this great musical project.

Helge Anton van Dyk

“Music is always an expression of a relationship. Capturing this and turning it into sound is my passion,” says Helge van Dyk. As a producer, engineer and composer he has been working with Dechen since 2010...

Mantras / Lyrics

I would like to thank my dear father and spiritual teacher, Venerable Dagsay Rinpoche, for giving me permission and transmission of this wonderful prayer for Arya Tara....

Buy your own emaho-CD now
and enjoy the story of Arya Tara

May the power of Arya Tara reach many hearts! emaho!
Sincerely, Yours Dechen

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